
Mackie all dayie is not mackie all dayie anymorie

Growing up without a computer has done its damage on me. When I bought my macbook I thought I would spend every single second with her. She was my dream, my gem, but I haven't been taking care of her like I should have. I still spend my free time watching tv and movies. The other thing I do with the macbook nowadays is burn dvds which I rent at blockbuster and burn them onto my computer. So it is no longer mackie all dayie anymore. Other than that 5 days ago, Jack from Dewey (a company that finds schools for foreign teachers) called me. He tried helping me find a job 6 months ago and I haven't heard from him since. He called me at 10:30 pm and told me this English Village needed a teacher. I told him I already signed a contract to another school. He said it was fine, but it needed to be a SECRET. I said, ok. I went to training the next three days and then I started teaching the first day yesterday. But, everything has to be a secret. The bosses at the school do not know I will be leaving shortly and they do not know I did not sign a contract because the contract is through Dewey and not the school. Dewey is secretly paying me everyday I work. It is very top secret like James Bond kind of stuff. (I will wait for jokes from Mike and Jeff). Anways English Village is crazy because we have 10 rooms of different types of scenerios. Like, a bank, hotel, grocery store, clothing store, an airlines place, etc. We pretend to own the bank, hotel, etc and teach them about each place. The airlines is an actual airplane replica torn down. It's the real size, but only like a quarter of it with real seats and storage compartments. I am teaching the hotel, a science room, and dance. It's a fun easy job. Anyways that is it for now....later


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Um...planning on working at a normal school anytime soon? I have seen many P.E. jobs available in the Naperville/Aurora area.....COME HOME! We need some Rob time.